Just to balance things out, how about:
i think i mentioned this some time ago but never had time to do anything about it.
i'm thinking of offering merchandise on the site for a bit of fun and also to help with the site expenses (although i don't expect it to generate a huge amount).
i think catchy logo's and phrases are the best.
Just to balance things out, how about:
i mean my bike!
what were you thinking?.
awhile back i posted about my radio-controlled motorcycle.
Animal, What? No racked neck or molded tank? Those square ape-hangers don't seem to fit either. And that paint job needs work dude.
Former chopper class / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 30 June 2002 9:25:58
Desperation would only be part of our relationship if I in any way took you seriously, which I do noT
Yeah, sure, whatever, that would explain the many hours you spend reading and scrutinizing my posts and trying, unsuccessfuly, to defend your Preterist opinions, and all the teeth grinding and mockery you engage in to try and bring YK to heel, and apparently the effort spent prying into my personal affairs in Brooklyn. I shudder to think of what you might do if you took me seriously. LOL
I appreciate your fair-mindedness. / You Know
Hillary's Step
Easy does it sonny, not so much of the 'little weasel'. I am 5' 11".
That was not in reference to your stature, but rather an unseemly aspect of your character.
1) I do know what you 'write to the Brothers'.
How do you know that? Why this interest in my activities? Why pay so much attention to one whom apostates have insisted is insane?
2) I now challenge you to publicly state that you have informed the WTS that they are 'corrupt liars' as you have described them in many posts, and that they have attracted God's disfavor, as you also descibe in many of your posts.
You are asking me to put online my private coorespondence with the brothers at Booklyn just to prove a point. That ain't gonna happen.
If you do not rise to this challenge you have publicly proved yourself a liar.
Nonsense. You can make up whatever fiction you want about me, that doesn't prove anything, other than your own perverse obsession with trying to prove YK a liar.
Robert you are full of bluster and bile and if you had half the courage that many posters on this Board have you would have been disfellowshipped many months ago.
I think some brothers would like to disfellowship me, there's no question about that. But it's important for me not to be as I need the freeness of speech, going forward especially. I lean heavily upon Jehovah and can relate to when David was on the run from his own people and from his own king. Hanging out with the Philistines and all that has some bit of relevance for me these days.
I told you once before that I know people who know of your 'writings' to Brooklyn. You are, you may be surprised to know, not taken seriously by them.
I have reason to believe otherwise. For one thing, I spread my writings around to lots of different brothers. Bethel is just like any place else, there are the hardline Taliban types and there are those who are very broad minded. The opinions of some do not necessarily reflect the opinions of all. Besides, most of my stuff is so far out there that I realize it's for a future time. I am just planting ideas at this point.
Yours are among scores of 'thesis' they receive from persons they view as 'new annointees', and not to be taken seriously. Your elders in your last congregation did not take you seriously either did they Robert?
No, they did take me seriously. That's why they got a little shook up. LOL
You now have no appointment whatsoever within your congregation and are viewed as a latter day spiritually demented small fry, rather similar to the way that I view you.
You are just guessing. You don't know my story. You merely presume to know. Like I said, you are presumptuous.
I once offered you a challenge Robert, and that was if you did not believe me when I stated that I know who you are and which congregation you attend, can I then publicly announce what I do know?
You must really be getting desperate. LOL / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 28 June 2002 18:6:59
some historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
are you serious? thats it? LOL, tell me theres more.
Yep, basically that's it. Fraudbacker didn't really have all that much to refute.
so which is it? is it not in fact true that the society continued teaching that russell was the slave for years after he died, or is it in fact true, but "doesnt matter"?
It may be true, but that's not the point. My point was that the Russellites were those who refused to continue with Jehovah's people after Russell died. They failed the test and were winnowed out, which establishes a pattern if things to come. Fraudbacker went on a diversionary slant by claiming that Rutherford was actually a Russellite because he thought Russell was still the faithful slave. That is, of course, completely silly. The point of who Rutherford thought Russell was, or wasn't, is largely a matter of Watchtower trivia. / You Know
i feel that the apostate's claims that rutherford was a drunk to be far fetched.
on the one hand, they claim that he was so drunk that the brothers at bethel shipped him to san diego to beth sarim, where he stayed drunk out of his mind, then on the other hand, they claimed that he ruled the society with an iron fist, that he was a dictator.
no drunk could have ruled the society like a dictator.
Rutherford was a lousy drunk. Just ask any apostate dub. In fact read some books written by apostates, and they'll tell ya. LOL / You Know
some historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
Alan Fraudbacker wrote,
Rutherford and his coterie of nincompoops were Russellites, you fool. Rutherford himself explicitly taught that Russell had been "the faithful and wise servant". Afterwards, he taught that Russell was directing the Watchtower organization from heaven. And yeah, Boob Brain, it's in The Watch Tower.
That's not what we mean when we speak of Russelites. To this day Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the founder of the Watchtower was a genuine child of God. That doesn't mean we are Russellites. The Russelites were those who refused to progress with the Watchtower after Russell's death in 1916. And that was my point, that they were following a man solely, and obviously had no faith in the purpose of God. It doesn't matter what opinon Rutherford may have held about Russell, as far as him still being the slave or whatever, the fact that they pressed one is the point. Whether some of Russell's pet ideas were discarded sooner or later doesn't matter. Rutherford moved the Watchtower forward.
Rutherford didn't start trying to do any such thing until around 1923, when he saw that he wasn't getting enough adoration. Eventually he figured out that transferring the mantle of "faithful servant" to himself via "the Society" would get him what he wanted, and that's what he set about doing, by discrediting many of Russell's favorite doctrines.
Rutherford provided leadership after Russell's death. He helped reinvigorate the movement after he got out of prison with the seris of Cedar Point conventions and all of that. By the very fact that he was the Society's president meant that he wasn't a Russellite, in the sense defined.
You don't seem to realize: Russell's wife came up with that ridiculous doctrine, Russell latched on to it, and Rutherford put it in roughly today's form. But all the while that the men who supposedly comprised it were being appointed to that position, they were teaching and doing extremely stupid things. Obviously you think that God is so stupid as to appoint a bunch of idiots as his representatives. No surprise here.
Actually Jesus was the author of the teaching on the faithful and discreet slave, and even Christ's apostles did bone-headed things at times. The blustering blubberings of apostates isn't what determines who God's servants are.
/ You Know
Hillary's (false) Step
He has not as yet told the WTS that he believes them to be corrupt liars, this is probably due to the fact that despite denying he is an apostate, it will be publicly proved when they disfellowship him for so informing them.
You presumptuous little weasel. You have no idea what I write to the brothers, and yet you act like you know me and presume to speak for me. / You Know
some historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
I'm sure those who were around in 1932 thought the same thing...so the stock market crashes, the dollar plummets, we have a recession....
I don't think so. You are ignorant of some basic facts. First, in 1932 the dollar was highly valued, the problem was that the greenbacks were in short supply because there was a credit contraction. But, if you had dollars then they were very valuable. Besides, the dollar was backed by gold at that time. That's the opposite of the easy money Di-tech dot com go-go days today. Now, it's in God that they trust to keep the paper promises credit worthy. Too, back in 1923 Germany's marks were hyperinflated to pay off war reparations and the riechsmark was ultimately valued less then toilet paper, which of course paved the way for the Nazis and WWII. Now, the dollar is the defacto world's currency, except people are dumping it by the billions in the last few months. That means that the whole shebang is going to collapse, and of course the Anglo-American beast will simply go berserk. I think of dollars as basically pre-confetti.
Here's a question....do you have a retirement plan or any investments? Do you have anything to do with saving money?
My portfolio is heavily weighed in Kingdom treasury notes. / You Know
some historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
Dubula, here's another link that lays out what the system is facing,
and what I have been saying all along about the dollar at some point getting smoked.
/ You Know
Edited by - You Know on 28 June 2002 8:27:12